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CRM Masters
Transforming Cruise Management with Zoho CRM
  • February 19, 2024
  • CRM-Masters
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Case Study- Transforming Cruise Management with Zoho




Zoho CRM


New Delhi

Project Background

Tirun Travel Technologies, a trailblazer in the Indian cruise industry, exclusively represents four prestigious cruise brands, including those owned by the Royal Caribbean Group. Managing exclusive sales, marketing, and government relations, they faced challenges in manual cruise deal management. To overcome these hurdles and achieve business objectives, our team proposed the implementation of Zoho CRM.

Business Problems

Before implementing Zoho CRM, they faced many challenges:

Business Challenge

Manual Management of Cruise Deals:- Before implementing Zoho CRM company relies on manual processes for managing cruise deals that leads to the inefficiencies, errors, and delays in deal processing. 

Deals Update Issue:- Time-consuming and error-prone deal information updates across platforms resulted in discrepancies in pricing, availability, and customer expectations.

Lack of Integration:- Inefficiencies in lead capture, communication, and data management were caused by the lack of integration between the client’s website form, email communication, and existing systems.

Customized Workflow:- Their manual deal management processes result in inefficiencies and errors, leading to delays and inconsistencies in deal tracking, calculation setups, and negotiation discussions.

Business Objectives

Business Objectives

Our Solutions


  • E-mail Integration:- We have integrated Zoho CRM with their email system to synchronize communication and streamlined email correspondence with Leads, clients, and others. 
  • Website Integration:- Our experts integrated their website forms directly with their Zoho CRM modules so that they can capture leads directly into the system and manage efficiently their lead management and follow-up with clients. 


Zoho CRM

The implementation of Zoho CRM is carried out to solve their business problems:-

After conducting a discussion with client we decided to implement Zoho CRM for their business to customized and configured cruise management processes and workflows like information deals, negotiation discussion payment calculation at Zoho CRM. We have also implemented custom module and fields for calculations to automate payment calculations and installment schedules based on deal parameters and customer preferences. 

Impact Of Our Solutions

  • Efficient Leads Management:-

    Integration of website forms and email communication streamlined their lead capture and follow-up processes, enhancing overall lead management efficiency. 

  • Streamlined Deal Management:- After implementing Zoho CRM the automation of deal calculations and centranized deal tracking in Zoho CRM leads to significant improvement in efficiency and accuracy. 
  • Improve Deal Updates:- Real-time synchronization minimized discrepancies, ensuring consistency in pricing and availability.
  • Improved Customer Engagement:- A centralized CRM system enhanced the company’s ability to engage with customers effectively. The streamlined communication process resulted in increased customer satisfaction.


98% Improvement in Lead Management

95% Improved Customer Engagement

95% Workflow customised

98% streamlined deal management

The implementation involved careful planning, customization, and training, resulting in a robust solution that addressed the company’s business challenges and improved its operational processes.

About CRM Masters

CRM Masters, a Zoho Premium Partner, provides cutting-edge solutions tailored to resolve clients’ problems efficiently. Our experts study organizational needs to identify the most suitable CRM product, implement it with minimal customization, and ensure ongoing responsiveness. If you’ve faced challenges with a non-responsive CRM system, CRM Masters will customize it to meet your specific needs, ensuring sales and revenue growth.