B2B Tools to Streamline & Enhance your Sales

Discover the different tools you’ll need at almost every stage of the sales process in this post:

1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools

The CRM tool helps sales reps manage their business relationships with existing and potential customers, regardless of their numbers. It can help them learn more about their customers, including who they are, what they want, and why they purchase your products.
Additionally, CRM tools assist in organizing and automating business processes like marketing and business analytics.

2. Sales Engagement Tools

You can engage prospects directly and have more one-to-one conversations through Sales Engagement Platforms. Multi-channel outreach can also be accomplished with them because they provide you with tools for sending messages across multiple channels at the same time. Aside from that, the tools eliminate the repetitious tasks of sales reps, which significantly increases their productivity.
The main goal of these tools is to ensure that your message is seen by the person you intend to contact, giving you the best chance of receiving a reply.

3. Customer Revenue Optimization Tools

With CRO, analog selling methodologies are replaced by digital ones that guide reps and managers in finding solutions that can increase close rates, pipelines, and deal values.
Utilizing the company’s existing knowledge to understand customer needs provide representatives with crucial insights that will enable them to meet those needs.

4. Sales Prospecting Tools

Prospecting tools are software platforms that automate and streamline various parts of the prospecting process, like finding emails, scheduling meetings, or sorting prospects based on their likelihood to respond.
To succeed in sales, you must have a prospecting strategy to help you figure out which accounts or prospects to approach, how to interact with them to build a relationship, and what to do next.

5. Sales Productivity Tools

It is estimated that sales professionals spend only 30% of their time selling. The rest of their time is spent performing the tasks like devising strategies, writing emails, scheduling and attending sales meetings, and dealing with paperwork. However, none of these activities directly increase revenue, even though they are essential.
Using Sales Productivity Tools can increase your sales reps’ efficiency and close more deals as these tools automate most of these non-selling activities.

6. Sales Enablement Tools

The purpose of a Sales Enablement tool is to connect your marketing, content, and sales processes. Using these tools, you can monitor analytics and content used throughout the sales process to ascertain what works and doesn’t.
Employing appropriate sales enablement tools, your sales team will be able to analyze critical sales strategies more effectively and boost overall productivity.

7. Sales Forecasting Tools

Sales Forecasting is estimating future sales by predicting what a salesperson, sales team, or entire company will sell the next week, month, quarter, or year. With Sales Forecasting, businesses can gain deeper insights, and predict growth, and consequently, leaders can develop effective strategies to increase future sales revenue by observing trends in sales data.
The wrong sales forecast can lead to lost revenue or missed opportunities and likewise, an overly optimistic sales forecast can also lead to problems.

8. Sales Payout Tools

Using Sales Compensation Management as a motivational tool, companies and organizations can motivate their sales teams and enable them to achieve high business objectives.
The software helps sales managers create compensation plans and track sales quotas, earned commissions, and short-term incentives for their sales teams.
Besides being more time-efficient, this automation also reduces errors and makes the calculating commission process more transparent, which helps avoid misunderstandings.

9. Sales Training Tools

A salesperson’s success is sometimes attributed to their natural talent, while for others, it is solely due to their numbers. But in reality, an effective sales team delivers a consistent customer experience based on a process-oriented approach.
A definite training program is essential, regardless of the stage of your sales team’s development or what you hope to accomplish. By providing high-quality, relevant, and accessible training materials, you will enable your reps to perform better and encourage them to stay with your company for extended periods.

10. Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Tools 

It is an automated sales tool that allows companies to create accurate quotes and pricing for any product configuration. Many factors go into determining the final price of a quote in the B2B sales process, as they are typically required to customize quotes based on the capabilities of their products, customer needs, and applicable discounts. And a single mistake here can result in high costs down the road.
However, CPQ software automates many of these processes for customers, giving sales reps more time to build relationships and provide excellent customer service.


By now, we hope that you must have understood the importance of these tools if you also wish to skyrocket your numbers. Though there are myriad tools present in the market, choosing the best can make you feel the need for support.

We, CRM Masters, are Zoho Premium Partners. And thereby hold profound expertise in Zoho. Solutions demonstrated, implemented, and tailored by our experts for your business will indeed leverage the power of Zoho for you. Let us know if we can help you in any case.