Laravel PHP Framework for Web Development

In the realm of software development, the developers decipher the problems of their clients and leverage the latest technology to address it. However, it is not as simple as it seems. Though technology is a fairly new and improved area, the effort that goes into it is alarming. This is where several flexible tools like Laravel come into use.

Laravel PHP Framework
Laravel PHP Framework

Known as a PHP framework that adds beauty to the websites, Laravel owns an artisan console. Clean code along with simple and elegant syntax makes every Laravel feature to flaunt flawless functionality thereby ensuring an amazing experience. Before going any further, let’s know more about Laravel and its success as a popular PHP framework.

Particulars of Laravel – The New Angle for Framework

This PGP framework is reusable software, designed while keeping in mind the struggles for application formation.It allows the concerned developer to expand and boost the contents of the application in question.

The USP of Laravel framework software lies in its readymade solutions that prevent the applicator from reimbursing the whole process.

Laravel  fits the exact definition of a framework. It came to the fore in the year 2011 as an open source framework for web development that abides by an architectural pattern of Model View Controller (MVC).

Here is a concise list of prominent functions available in Laravel to simplify the development tasks followed by their uses.

Functions available  Significant uses
Laravel user verification Verified route middleware
Laravel mix Application programming interface
Migration generator Extracts existing database applications
Voyager A polished and professional interface with no fancy complications

As of today, Laravel has gained an immense credibility among its users worldwide.

web application framework
web application framework

Moreover, with close 29K members and more than 70,500 stars on Github (as you can see in the image above), it is indubitably one of the foremost choices of the developers on this renowned software development hosting service.

Not surprisingly, Laravel has become a necessity for web developers all over the world. The correct use of framework software allows shifting the focus on the marketing and business logic of an app rather than putting all the effort into coding and rectifications.

Why Laravel? 

As you already know, Laravel is like a stored plethora for the right kind of applicable functions.

Let’s delve deeper into this framework to find out more plus points that make it a hit among the modern day coders.

  1. Support for Model-View-Controller architectural pattern

The MVC architectural pattern makes way for clarity between the Model (logic) and the View (presentation) via Controller lens. This in turn leads to improved documentation and enhanced performance. Moreover, MVC allows the programmers to write simple and properly structured code for utmost convenience.

MVC for Laravel Framework
MVC for Laravel Framework
  1. The command-line interface (CLI)

The CLI programs allow the developers to have an interactive access to services and functions. This enables them to execute varied maintenance and programming tasks with ease and excellence. Laravel introduces Artisan, a global command line tool, empowered by the Symfony Console component. It makes the development swift and simple with the help of several useful commands. It eliminates the need to repetitively execute coding tasks that are easy to carry out manually.

  1. Blade Template engine

The Blade template engine gives you yet another solid reason to call Laravel as the most popular PHP framework. It lets you use the inbuilt and reusable lightweight templates to develop class-based components. This further facilitates the creation of attractive layouts with the help of dynamic content seeding.

Other Advantages 

Several other advantages and features of Laravel include:

  • Object-oriented libraries
  • Eloquent ORM – Built-in ORM implementation
  • Unit Testing
  • Routing
  • CSRF (cross-site request forgery) token for enhanced app and code security
  • Task scheduling
  • Application traffic handling
  • Best to develop enterprise solutions
  • Open source
  • Saves time and energy
  • Takes care of low level details and
  • Provides an elegant structure for the developers to work on
  • Supports multiple languages
  • A cost-effective choice

Wrapping up!

To conclude, Laravel is a big name when it comes to choosing the best PHP framework from among varied options. Loaded with flexible functionalities and offering multiple advantages, it fulfills all the requirements needed to develop small websites to gigantic enterprise applications.

To know more about this exclusive PHP framework or to develop a website with Laravel, you can always let us know. At CRM-Masters, we are home to an experienced team of Laravel developers that could work on your web development projects with due expertise and diligence.