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CRM Masters
App Developers

Apple’s annual event showcased some of its significant software advancements. Recently, in 2021, the most advanced mobile OS of the world announced new versions of iOS, macOS, iPadOS 15, and watchOS 8. The article aims to shed some light upon the unique features of iOS 15 that are beneficial for app developers.

What are some of the new iOS 15 features?

Let’s delve deeper into some of the latest revelations of iOS 15 one after another.

  1. Improvement in localization

While developing an application, it is essential to translate the in-app menu and instructions into several languages. Unfortunately, it is not a very easy language. Instead, it is a tricky job. Apple offers an improved UI as a part of iOS 15 and Xcode 13. However, many hold that Apple took the Android way of localization!

Developers need to activate the ‘use compiler to extract swift strings’ from the ‘build settings’ options. Next, to get a better and new UI, you need to choose the ‘export localization’ option from the drop-down ‘product’ menu.

  1. Async and Await

With the new iOS 15, Apple offers a new method for making an asynchronous call. Yes, it equips the Swift programming language with async/await syntax, which is instrumental in asynchronous code handling.

This facilitates app developers to obtain a smoother and easier process of making tough calls. In addition, the all-new way of making complex calls feels almost synchronous. In the upcoming Xcode version, Async and Await will be available and compatible back to iOS 13.

  1. Changes in the Stack view

Stack view in iOS 15 has undergone several changes as compared to the previous version. The difference is mainly in their distribution. Apple also made significant changes in the compression resistance thus keeping the need of developers in mind.

  1. Changes in notification management

One of the significant changes in Apple iOS 15 is the introduction of the Focus Mode. With this new and customizable feature, you can select which applications you can receive the notifications from. Apple offers a part in the Focus Mode where one can display only specific pages on the home screen. This helps in preventing distractions.

  1. Product Page Optimization

Apple offers a feature where developers can produce 35 product pages simultaneously. These pages simultaneously display different things like texts, icons, app previews and screenshots. The feature enables the developers to compare the performance of other product pages. Eventually, you will be able to analyze which page has the most impact and optimize it accordingly.

  1. Improvement of Digital Wallets

Today transactions are primarily cashless. Therefore, online payments must have good safety and security. When it comes to privacy and security, Apple is very conscious. One of the most secure digital wallets is Apple Pay.

Developers can establish a Digital Wallet App for Apple iOS complementary to Apple Wallet. This application can support Apple Cash use and debit, and credit cards for fund transfer.

  1. SwiftUI

Last but not the least, SwiftUI, the new UI framework from Apple introduces several new changes in iOS 15. Prominent of these include:

  • AsyncImage: A view type to load images asynchronously
  • Refreshable: Pull-to-refresh functionality for any View.
  • Animation modifier change: The new .animation(_ value:) modifier that triggers the animation on the update on passed binding value.

Wrapping Up

Apple iOS has always been the forerunner in the technological industry. With the introduction of iOS 15, Apple has come up with new features and options for the iOS developers. Apart from those already mentioned, users also get features like 3D maps or live translations. Overall, with Apple iOS 15, users get the opportunity to develop state of the art iOS apps.

To get the best of iOS apps developed for your business, you can always contact us at CRM-Masters. With an experienced and consummate team of expert iOS developers, we develop flawless and fully functional iOS apps for you.