Tips to Maximize Salesforce Adoption

Investing in new technology is likely to engender a question: How do I convince people that it’s worth using or embracing? The adoption of Salesforce is a top priority for many companies as growth comes naturally along with it. Nevertheless, wait! Your team needs to embrace Salesforce fully first, and therefore you need to work on user adoption strategies to maximize your investment.

Here are five tips to help your organization adopt Salesforce:

1. Garner Support from the Leaders

Ensure that all members of your organization’s hierarchy are involved in the conversation immediately. This will include managers and individual contributors because if your leadership won’t understand and support the change, how can employees?

Getting Salesforce adoption support from influential Senior Team members is highly effective. Leadership can lead by example by demonstrating a personal interest in Salesforce and encouraging their team members to do the same.

After you’ve selected the perfect team, you can share Salesforce adoption metrics with them regularly and celebrate active users with them.

2. Understand and Learn from your end-users

As part of your Salesforce adoption strategy, you must understand how your end users operate. As you empower them with Salesforce, you must first discover what they need from the CRM to succeed.

For this, you must ask and report on questions such as:

  • How long do users stay in Salesforce?
  • What are their engagement rates with core features?
  • What is the average time it takes them to find an answer within Salesforce?
  • Are Salesforce’s features impacting productivity?
  • Are all processes in Salesforce being followed?

With more data points at your disposal, you can highlight Salesforce features that will appeal to specific individuals and departments as early as possible.

3. Create a Long-Term Adoption Strategy

In general, Salesforce implementation takes a long time. It should take an average of 6 months to a year for your organization to implement Salesforce successfully. The worst thing you can do is abandon your users right after the implementation/migration.

Most employees don’t realize they’re not following the most efficient path through a process, so spend a day shadowing a few employees to make them understand what they don’t know. This will allow you to analyze them more effectively, promoting Salesforce adoption.

4. Answer the Why?

Your organization may be knee-deep in Salesforce implementation, but there are still people within it asking- What’s in it for me? What will I get out of it? Does its adoption have an impact on the business? How will they participate in the adoption process?

Following this dreadful phase of questions, you need to reach out to all the teams to discover their concerns, what’s holding them back, their current struggles and challenges, and make them understand how Salesforce can optimize them.

5. Provide Proper Training

Initially, your Salesforce users will not be able to master every feature immediately. To help them better understand Salesforce, start by introducing them to basic knowledge and easier-to-digest segments, like managing their accounts and navigating the menu. After that, you can prioritize and map training according to what each team needs to do daily.

You will notice a rapid increase in self-sufficiency and productivity if your company’s employees apply new information. So make sure that it is easy to access rather than buried in various folders and sources. If this is not done, the maximum of the training you have covered in the past few days will be easily forgotten by users.


The process of optimal Salesforce adoption can take a while, but it doesn’t have to be labor-intensive. Boost your Salesforce training and implementation initiatives with CRM Masters. We are certified Salesforce Partners and thereby hold profound expertise in Salesforce. Solutions implemented and tailored by our experts for your business will leverage the power of Salesforce for you. Let us know if we can help you in any case.