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Zoho PageSense

What is Zoho PageSense And How Does it Boost Conversions?

Whether your business has been in the market for some time or is new, your website should be in line with the current market trends and customer expectations. Because if they don’t find it engaging enough they will simply exit as they have many other options at their fingertips to explore. And no matter what your business is, it seems hard to lose a customer just like that. So, you must take the benefit of an analytical tool that can better understand the consumers’ experiences with your site. Although there are many tools present in the market to help you Zoho PageSense can be a great fit for you.

What is Zoho PageSense?

Zoho PageSense is a software application that helps you understand how visitors interact with a website, what they click on, and how far they can scroll. The collected data can be used to change the website elements that do not perform the way you want them to. Aside from that, you can also improve the efficiency of your website by placing the right layouts, elements, and formats in the right areas. Through PageSense’s integration with Zoho’s Marketing and Sales tools, a business can make informed decisions about website updates and boost conversions.

Why ZOHO PageSense?

While you can find many apps serving similar tasks, ZOHO PageSense is a preferable one as it lets you perform customizable and exclusively targeted spit URL and A/B tests. These tests help the app find website variations and compare the scope of conversions in each case. Moreover, you will get reports on every aspect of your visitor’s interaction with your website.

If you still want more, perhaps personalization of the visitor experience alongside the unique visual experience it creates and delivers for your focused audience would be good enough to convince you and your teammates to go for it.

Adding Sense to Your Business

ZOHO PageSense is a CRO software with features like heatmaps, funnel analysis, and A/B testing. It helps a business make decisions related to boosting conversions and various other website changes. You can execute several tasks through ZOHO PageSense to help you boost conversions:

  1. Tracking Metrics

Every website has a part that shows a significant drop-off. ZOHO PageSense builds a conversion funnel to check on the portion of the website that shows a drop-off. It helps in tracking the main website metrics by studying the website’s performance over time and going through various segments to measure the important stats of the website.

  1. Visitor Behavior

Tracking visitor behavior is indispensable to increase the conversion rate. You must know your visitor’s journey on your website. ZOHO helps to analyze the behavior of your website visitors. It helps you to dig out insightful data about varied aspects like:

  • What do your website visitors like about your website?
  • Which location on our website do they prefer scrolling the most?
  • What are they clicking on?
  • How often do your visitors try to contact you after visiting your website

In addition, you can also check the visitor interactions on various forms available on your website.

  1. Optimizing Website Conversions

One of the best things that ZOHO allows is to run an A/B test. It enables you to:

  • Create an alternate version of your original website
  • Note the difference between the conversion rate of the original and the alternate website, and
  • Work on the outcomes to resonate with your audience.
  1. User Experience

ZOHO PageSense can help your users to avail a personalized experience. It efficiently does this by checking on the interests and demographics of the visitors who visit your website. Through ZOHO, you will be able to give your customers the best website experience, and this is no hidden fact.

  1. Feedback

Abiding by customer feedback is the key to boosting conversion. You will never know where your website is lacking if you do not get genuine feedback from your customers. ZOHO PageSense gathers responses by conducting polls for customers to know about the customers’ opinions on your business.

Understanding the Features Offered by the Zoho Pagesense Comprehensively:

Core Competency

1. A/B Testing for Website:

With the visual editor, marketers can create A/B testing different variations of the same web page without modifying the code manually. This tool is very useful when it comes to refining the layout, text, messaging, and design of your web pages before implementing the changes across your entire site. A/B testing’s Forecast feature estimates the potential conversion rate of each variation even before the test has been conducted.

2. Heatmaps:

This tool provides a visual representation of visitors’ clicking and scrolling patterns on the website. Marketers can monitor the intensity of the Heatmap immediately to see how often visitors interact with each website element. Additionally, Scroll maps illustrate how far visitors travel down web pages.
Marketers can thus determine if visitors are performing expected actions on their website by combining information from Heatmap and Scroll map reports.

3. Funnel Analysis:

By creating a funnel analysis of a website, the marketer can pinpoint the pages that have the highest drop-off rates to improve them and increase the website’s overall conversion rate.

4. Integrations with Zoho and Third-Party Apps:

In addition to Zoho Sites, Zoho PageSense has easy integration opportunities with third-party applications. The third-party integrations it allows are Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KISSmetrics, Clicky, Google Tag Manager, and Google AdWords.

5. Chrome Extension:

With the Zoho PageSense Chrome extension, users can create A/B test variations and Heatmaps for any web page without having to access the web application manually. It also lets you run experiments on pages hidden behind sessions and view reports on live pages.


Boosting the attributes of a website can help appreciably in increasing the conversion rate and driving more traffic to your website. This will in turn benefit your business with increased sales. Hence, a rise in conversion is directly proportional to the growth of your business.

ZOHO PageSense is one of the recent ways of boosting conversions for a website. This incredible app enables you to track the journey of the online visitors to your website, which ultimately leads to a boost in conversion. To get detailed information about ZOHO PageSense or to seek prompt assistance in accelerating conversions through it, you can always contact us at CRM-Masters.