What it is like to work without a CRM?

There are agencies everywhere claiming to be the best at providing CRM services or businesses that claim to have been successful because of CRM. Despite the widespread acceptance of CRM, a few companies still do their business the old way, without CRM.

But in the absence of a robust CRM solution, such companies face a lot of challenges. And in this blog post, we will discuss a few of those challenges:

Decentralized Data

Without CRM solutions, businesses rely on spreadsheets, inboxes, documents, and the brain to gain insight. This traditional method of capturing and storing data can result in a siloed environment, which negatively impacts your company’s overall efficiency and is difficult to overcome. Every time your employees need timely and accurate information, they must overcome new obstacles and in doing so it takes away valuable time from your team, reducing their efficiency.
The CRM solutions centralize all your data and make finding what you need more convenient.

No Automation

Businesses and their team members might perform repetitive and tedious tasks manually every day, but automating these tasks is possible with an effective CRM, which eliminates many of the inefficiencies that adversely affect your company and hurt its profitability.

Difficulty to Measure ROI

When calculating the value of your business’s marketing budget, you must consider the revenue generated by each marketing campaign.

With CRM, one can track digital marketing campaigns, associate leads with specific campaigns, and track those leads through the sales/marketing funnel to assess ROI.

Lack of Control Over Data

Most businesses that don’t use CRM keep all their customer, employee, and business data on a shared spreadsheet. However, spreadsheets also come with the shortcoming of limiting the control over your data which are now discussed below:

  • You can protect certain tabs on a spreadsheet but have less control over them as you can not restrict access to sensitive data.
  • A spreadsheet also poses a data integrity problem. If a user accidentally deletes a row and it goes undetected for a couple of days or weeks, then no one can tell what data was deleted or is missing.
  • Spreadsheets are also not built to comply with regulatory and industry-specific guidelines, so compliance is another important issue.

Lack of Transparency

Without the right technology or, better said, the right CRM, it isn’t easy to understand what your employees are working on each day. The impact of their priorities can also not be known to you because that needs you to figure out how motivated and focused they are.

In addition to providing Data-Driven Productivity Reports, CRM allows you to ensure that your employees hit their targets and complete their work on time. You can also make sure that your customers are well taken care of and that proper communication is always in place.

Subpar Customer Relationships

It should be the top priority of all businesses to keep their customers happy. Traditional methods work very well when you have a small customer base. But when you have hundreds or thousands of customers, traditional methods become problematic. CRMs are designed to track, understand, and strengthen customer relationships.

For example, if customers expect a rapid response and receive a cold response, they start taking their business elsewhere. With the right CRM, your customer service department can manage customer issues, provide feedback, and be notified when customers ask their questions.


Hopefully, all of you have now understood that as a business grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of all the processes, like having all the information in one central location. As a result, many businesses choose to use a CRM system like Zoho CRM, a software we highly recommend as it provides free/low-paid plans to test its suitability with your business, does every vital task for you, and is undoubtedly loved by many users worldwide.

We, CRM Masters, are Zoho Premium Partners. And thereby hold profound expertise in Zoho. Solutions demonstrated, implemented, and tailored by our experts for your business will indeed leverage the power of Zoho for you. Let us know if we can help you in any case.