shopify best practices

As someone running an e-commerce store, your main goal must be to attract prospective customers to your e-commerce store and successfully engage them to convert them into your customers. In this blog post, we will be discussing some Shopify best practices that will help you to increase the traffic and conversion rate of your Shopify E-Commerce store.


Call to Action

Having a great line of products and content on your e-commerce store is not sufficient unless you have a call to action on all your product pages. If the call to action is missing on the product pages, then there are high chance that your audience will engage with your content and product but might not purchase it and go to a different page. Having a call to action on the product page increases your chances to sell the product up to a great extent. As per your choice, you can have various call to action like “Add to Cart”, “Checkout”, “Grab your offer”, etc.


Get the written description

While writing the description of the product it is crucial to find out whether whatever is being written in the description is useful for the audience or not. So, instead of talking about your product’s history or any such information that is not useful for the audience, try to focus on the problem that your product is solving or how your product is a valuable addition to your audience’s life.


Include Pictures

Despite having a great product description, there are chances that your customers might not be fully convinced by the products. Having some attention-grabbing product pictures showing different sides of your product will help you solve this problem. Pictures are known to grab the attention of customers way faster than just compelling descriptions. Moreover, if you can have pictures of people using your product then it would be more compelling and can result in more sales.


Don’t go for too much

Too much of everything is bad and the same goes for product pages on the Shopify e-commerce store. Avoid putting in a lot of pictures and excessive words in the product descriptions which will do nothing but confuse the audience. Three photographs showcasing your product’s front, back, and side views and one photograph of a person using your product are sufficient. This should be aided with a call to action and description that is not more than 150 words.


Feedback is important

While setting up your product pages, feel free to get in touch with your colleagues or industry experts to get feedback on your Shopify e-commerce store. Their constructive feedback will help you improve the quality of your store and thereby get more customers.


Increase the credibility of your products

To increase the credibility of your products, you should encourage your customers to leave reviews about your products on your Shopify e-commerce store. This will not only help you gain the trust of new customers but also help you to improve your products based on the reviews by your customers.


The best practices discussed above will help you increase your engagement with the audience on your e-commerce store. If you need any help in setting up your Shopify e-commerce store or improving its performance, feel free to reach out to us.